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¿Qué es el tungsteno?

Es demasiado difícil trabajar con tungsteno puro, por lo que las joyas se hacen a partir de una mezcla de partes iguales de tungsteno y átomos de carbono, creando así carburo de tungsteno. Los anillos de carburo de tungsteno tienen las mismas características del metal de tungsteno puro, incluido un alto punto de fusión y una alta resistencia a la tracción. Son extremadamente resistentes al rayado.

¿Es duradero el tungsteno?

El carburo de tungsteno es extremadamente duradero, más duradero que el oro, el paladio, la plata o el platino. Es muy resistente al rayado pero tiene propiedades quebradizas. Esto significa que si se aplica suficiente presión a un anillo de bodas de tungsteno, el anillo se agrietará o romperá en lugar de doblarse como, por ejemplo, un anillo de oro o platino. Los anillos de tungsteno fabricados con carburo de tungsteno de calidad no se romperán a menos que se aplique una fuerza extrema al anillo.
¿Qué pasa si mi banda no me queda?
Si el anillo que has pedido no te queda bien, no te preocupes, podemos cambiarlo por otro tamaño. Contáctanos antes de devolver el anillo y te daremos los detalles de la devolución. ¡O siempre puedes cambiarlo en la tienda, por supuesto!

Tenga en cuenta:
- El artículo debe devolverse en su estado original, incluido el embalaje original.
- El artículo debe enviarse con un número de seguimiento
- Los compradores son responsables de pagar el costo de envío de devolución junto con el costo de envío del nuevo tamaño.
14K White Gold and Carbon-Fiber and 0.15cttw Diamond Mens Band
14K White Gold and Carbon-Fiber and 0.15cttw Diamond Mens Band $2,600.00 $2,600.00
14K White Gold and Carbon-Fiber and 0.05cttw Diamond Mens Band
14K White Gold and Carbon-Fiber and 0.05cttw Diamond Mens Band $2,300.00 $2,300.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,800.00 $2,800.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,500.00 $2,500.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,500.00 $2,500.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,800.00 $2,800.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,800.00 $2,800.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Tantalum Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Tantalum Mens Band $2,000.00 $2,000.00
14K Tri-Tone Gold and Tantalum Mens Band
14K Tri-Tone Gold and Tantalum Mens Band $2,000.00 $2,000.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,650.00 $1,650.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,650.00 $1,650.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Yellow Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Yellow Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Yellow Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Yellow Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Titanium, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Titanium, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,000.00 $2,000.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Yellow Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Yellow Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Titanium and 0.11cttw Black Diamond Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Titanium and 0.11cttw Black Diamond Mens Band $2,300.00 $2,300.00
14K Two-Tone Gold and Tantalum Mens Band
14K Two-Tone Gold and Tantalum Mens Band $2,000.00 $2,000.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,650.00 $1,650.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Tri-Tone Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Tri-Tone Gold, Tantalum and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum, Carbon-Fiber and 0.11cttw Diamond Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum, Carbon-Fiber and 0.11cttw Diamond Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K White Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K White Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $1,300.00 $1,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,300.00 $2,300.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,000.00 $2,000.00
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band
14K Rose Gold, Tantalum, and Carbon-Fiber Mens Band $2,600.00 $2,600.00