Seiko's Melodies in Motion Clocks are enchanting and magical. This clock brings the magic of a starry night to life. On the hour, the dial opens to reveal a turning decorative wheel and plays one of six Hi-Fi melodies plus an opening and ending melody. It has a metallic silver case, a demonstration button, and volume control. This clock is enclosed in glass, the pendulum features Swarovski crystals, and an off/on switch. This clock will light up your house year-round.
On the hour, the clock plays one of six Hi-Fi melodies plus an opening and closing melody:
CLASSIC SELECTION: Amazing Grace, The Planets "Jupiter", Waltz Of The Flowers, Salut d'Amour, Pictures At An Exhibition "Promenade", Dance Of The Reeds Pipes
Dimensions: 18.25" x 16.5" x 4.25"